from 1999
School - bottega
For almost twenty years, since 1999, Avalle has complemented his artistic career with that of Professor at NABA (Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti) in Milan, offering in the workshop of the School of Design the course “Tecniche, Materiali e Strumenti“(Techniques, Materials and Instruments), later renamed “Light Design”.
An experience that brings together teaching, experimentation and planning, recreating the atmosphere of the “bottega”: in this way all of his students have the opportunity to present their works in both public and private exhibition spaces.
“As the paintbrush is the extension of the painter’s hand and the pen or mouse is such for the graphic designer, for the professor, the tools of the trade extend, in my case, to the didactic experience that confronts itself with the expectations of the students, taking into account their visions, necessities and aspirations.
[…] Following a few guidelines that as a modern “maestro di bottega” I retain essential: to embrace a kind of humanistic thinking that is harmoniously linked to a technical-scientific one, to keep constantly united theory and practice, to carry things out with rapidity, to aim for efficacy, it has become priority for the students to put on the test bench the feasibility of their own design ideas, working with both their hands and their head.
To respond to these needs felt deeply by everyone, a workshop space has been conceived, equipped to meet the course’s objectives, with characteristics similar to those of my atelier. This space functions as a “mobile unit”, composed of various instruments and tools that I teach students how to use.
This allows them to work better, alone or as ‘a team’, and for me to advise and assist them in accomplishing their projects”.
From: F. Avalle, Stratificazione e luce (Stratification and light), in “Focus sul MAP/2” – 2009

Students with their works, by his side
Collaborations of the School of Design Workshop – NABA
1999 Stand NABA
Installation of a ceiling tensile structure in fiber optics and methacrylate.
Campus Orienta, Milan Fair.
2000 Stand NABA – Il Mobile Invisibile
Salone del Mobile (Milan)
With the collaboration of the Students: Claudia Baiguera, Cristian Bolcato, Sara Cipolletti, Erika Cersosimo, Francesca De Amicis, Cecilia de’ Donato, Manuela Fornaro, Francesco Ghitti, Marta Maggioni, Gloria Monti, Stefania Musig, Lorenza Negri, Lorenzo Pacinotti, Benedetta Perlasca, Laura Perrucchetti, Graziella Puliga, Alex Sacchetti, Valeria Santoro, Ingrid Stadler, Sinem Vardarli, Bengisu Ylmarzturk; Marta Gonnella e Sergio Maggioni (decor) Mariella Andriani, Claudia Bosio, Eleonora Ferri (executive drawings); Alessandro Annovi e Claudio Braccini (3D modeling and animation), Elio Deponti, Zeudy Martinelli, Manuela Monterubbianesi e Valeria Rizzo (video and compositing); Andrea Aloisio, Claudio Cascone, Alessio Cusano, Manolo Di Gioia, Davide Nascimbeni (work group), Federico Galli (assistant); Andrea Forges Davanzati (first assistant); Enrico Fagone (coordinator).
Student Exhibitions from the “Techniques, materials, instruments” Workshop of the School of Design – NABA
2005 Il Corpo del Maestro
Galleria d’Arte il Salotto (Como).
2008 “Human Design – Design umano”
Filanda Mantero, Brienno (Como)*
2009 Stratificazione e Luce
MAP (Museo Arti Plastiche) e Castello di Monteruzzo, Castiglione Olona (Varese)**
2014 Installazioni luminose
Chiesa Santa Maria del Ronco, Brienno (Como)*
2015 Fame di Luce – Hunger for Light. Per “Expo Milano 2015”
Galleria militare “La Mina” – Chiesa Santa Maria del Ronco, Brienno (Como)*
2015 Fame di Luce – Hunger for Light
Curatore: Fernando Gianesini. Ristorante “Orti di Leonardo” Palazzo delle Stelline (Milan)
2016 Opere e sperimentazioni luminose
Curatore: Fernando Gianesini. Palazzo Pirola, Gorgonzola (Milan)***
2017 Mosaico luminoso – Per una tradizione del Design che trae nutrimento dall’arte
Laboratorio di “Tecnologia, Materiali e Light Design”
Biblioteca NABA (Milan)
*sponsored by the municipality of Brienno **sponsored by the municipality of Castiglione Olona *** sponsored by the municipality of Gorgonzola
Since 2005, the following have exhibited their work:
Andrea Aloisio, Alessandro Ambrosini, Apithyaction Gingphai Kumi, Cristina Bacchin, Sabrina Banfi, Lucia Selene Barattini, Alberto Bellotti, Mattia Belotti, Laura Benaglia, Chiara Beretta, Elisa Berger, Adriana Bienati, Lidia Bonetti, Camilla Borgo, Federica Bosio, Paola Capettini, Andrea Cimarelli, Michele Cipollone, Giacomo Conti, Damiano Celebrin, Gianluca Chiocca, Leonardo Colombo, Chiara Conti, Stefania Cormio, Vincenzo Cortese, Joaquin Gimenez Cragnolino, Federico Dal Fo, Valentina Dalla Costa, Margherita Da Ros, Jacopo De Giorgi, Alessandro Di Maggio, Valentina Di Rosa, Silvia Faggiano, Michele Favale, Beatrice Feola, Linda Ferrari, Marco Ferrari, Emanuela Federici, Eleonora Ferri, Roberto Galbiati, Ermanno Galoppi, Elisa Gatti, Nise Gerbino, Riccardo Gianduzzo, Andrea Goy, Andrea Guerini, Turun Antonia Hansen, Natalie Herlande, Stephany Hornig, Paolo Delio Iannetti, Francesco Inchingolo, Lara Karaso, Ignazio Lacitignola, Giulia Lanfranchi, Logi Hrain Krysliandon, Elena Lombardozzi, Silvia Lotito, Giulia Maculan, Angela Marcuzzo, Maria Chiara Marzano, Luca Massi, Vikan May Lien, Pietro Mondini, Erica Moriggi, Edoardo Morin, Federico Moroni, Julia Edin Myrvolo, Mille Marietvet Myte, Marin Novicik, Julia Oberg, Veronica Padovani, Skifakis Panagiotis, Soeun Park, Giulia Parini, Elisa Passalacqua, Ilaria Pavone, Pier Paolo Perrotta, Mikel Peruch, Giulia Piccinotti, Valentina Pisoni, Alessandra Polimeni, Valeria Portinari, Karina Quai, Nevio Ricci, Miriam Rossignoli, Giulia Russo, Fosca Salvi, Sabrina Sansone, Abdel Sayed Mohamed, Alex Scrivano, Margot Silvestrini, Daniele Sorrentino, Dario Javier Sosio, Milos Stojanovic, Erica Tacconi, Isao Takezawa, Nina Hanne Tafyord, Simone Tommasello, Mattia Tovagliaro, Simone Tricarico, Kevin Gaetano Tricoli, Edgardo Trombin, Eugenia Tumanova, Valeria Venditti, Lydiawati Veny, Silvia Virana, Erica Vitale, May-Piyada Viwattanapirug, Gherado Werner
And as of 2021 some pieces by Andrea Aloisio, Laura Benaglia, Beatrice Feola, Nise Gerbino e Abdel Sayed Mohamed (and others still to be scheduled) have been installed in the House Museum.