Great Artwork no.5

La Feroce (The Ferocious)

Axonometric structure in plexiglas, antique glass, steel, interferential mirrors, hologram
cm. 410 X 130 X 17/35 cm
Private collection

“The Ferocious”: this is how Fiat factory works at the beginning of the twentieth century called their company, and this was recounted to me by the gallerist from Turin, Giancarlo Salzano, who inspired me to conceive this work. The theme of the “machine era” is burst open by new varied contemporary subjects, becoming an envisaged “technological fresco” whose structural component evokes a kind of architecture you might find in outer space: when it went on exhibit in Montreal some visitors thought it was truly an artificial satellite!
In the images, two installations in Milan: the exhibition at Palazzo Citterio and at the Residenza San Damiano. Above, in the center, a preparatory work (private collection).